Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nightmare Before Christmas Glasses Can You Reuse Your 3D Glasses?

Can you reuse your 3D glasses? - nightmare before christmas glasses

I have seen several pairs of 3D glasses, Nightmare Before Christmas, My Bloody Valentine, etc. My question is - if the type of 3D is the same, I can reuse from film to film? And if I pay you still charge it costs to see a movie in 3D?


RachelA said...

The fairly positive that you can reuse. Unless the 3D film is rare, should be able to reuse. Since the purpose of film making money, you can still pay the extra costs.

princess... said...

I think the reason that the payment of the films in 3D so much about the extra money it costs to make films in 3-D glasses is, so I should probably play more. You can always ask, though. And even if you were to pay even a good thing if your glasses still use to save the environment and plastics and all:)

Natalya said...

I'm pretty sure that you can reuse
But I have never won on the additional payment for 3D glasses

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